

Excerpt from Traces (1994) from Charlie Murphy on Vimeo.

This short video (1994) exploring family resemblance was inspired by extensive research into the use of photography throughout its history to record human ‘types’ of many kinds.

Investigating the application of new technologies to digitally age /transform images of missing children (kindly facilitated by The Missing Persons Bureau) , this video charts family resemblances and the artist’s probable future visual appearance through a subtle, seamless morphing.

Tracing these resemblances through family albums, Murphy also explores composites created with previous partners to create her preferred ‘type’ of lover.

This video has been exhibited at Cambridge Darkroom Gallery (1994) , distributed by Cinenova and screened at The Lux Cinema (London), Impakt Festival (Utrecht) NL,Bandits-Mages Festival  (Bourges) France, Edinburgh Film & Video Festival, Scotland, Zone Multimedia Event, Maidstone , Kent) and Pandemonium Festival Of Moving Images,  Institute Of Contemporary Art,  London.