Monocyte, platelet, basophil

‘basophil’ 2017, (prototype) clear and coloured borosilicate hand drawn glass

Miss Murphy has created a small edition of blood cell glass sculptures for use as special achievement awards for members of the European Hematology Association.

Her first ‘Monocyte’ series- – and prototype ‘Platelet’ piece explore some possibilities for future ‘awards’ series and potential for development towards installation presentations with specialist lighting. New works exploring a variety of blood cell types and models are in development.

‘Monocyte’ 2015,  coloured and clear borosilicate hand drawn glass (ltd edition of 25)
‘Monocyte’ series-  created for the European Hematology Association 2015   Coloured and clear borosilicate hand drawn glass (ltd edition of 25)
‘Platelet’ 2015, clear borosilicate hand drawn glass, filled with blood (prototype)