– Research Outputs

Research Activities & Outputs

led by Charlie Murphy during Created Out of Mind Residency 2016-18

‘skin to mind’ (part 1) at Lifespace Gallery, photo Erika Stevenson

Oct 2022-Jan 2023 Brains in a Dish Exhibitions & Outreach programme developed and presented in collaboration with Cooper Gallery, Barnsley Museums, supported by ARUK and ACE through National Lottery project grants.

Jun 2020 & 2021 Brains in a Dish : Growing the Stuff of Thought video presented at  Northlands’ Glass Meets the Future international film screening programmes shown  at Toyama Institute of Glass Art (Japan)  , The museum of arts and design, New York (USA) and online

Nov 2019 :  Selected installation works from Brains in a Dish exhibited  as part of the Lowry’s international group exhibition ‘The State of Us’ (Nov 2019 -Feb 2020) 

October  2018 : Artwork presentations/exhibitions of in vitro projection work in progress at Royal Institute London http://www.rigb.org/whats-on/events-2018/october/public-understanding-alzheimers

October 2018 :at Bloomsbury Festival/ UCL Hub  http://bloomsburyfestival.org.uk/events/event/activism-saturday-festival-hub-at-ucl/

Charlie’s artwork ‘Forever’ features Book cover artwork for Dementia: An Attachment Approach
Edited by Kate White, Angela Cotter and Hazel Leventhal
Foreword by  Sally Knocker Series: The Bowlby Centre Monograph Series

October 2018:Contribution to academic paper : Conceptualising and Understanding Artistic Creativity in the Dementias: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Research and Practiseon behalf of the Created Out of Mind Team (Article in Frontiers in Psychology · October 2018DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01842

September 2018:  Contributions of BiaD member Phil Ball interview with ‘skin to mind’ video and image material to FREE ONLINE COURSE DEMENTIA AND THE ARTS: SHARING PRACTICE, DEVELOPING UNDERSTANDING AND ENHANCING LIVES

Explore, challenge and shape your perceptions of dementias through science and the creative arts. Creating a society that supports and includes those living with a dementia is a major challenge – and opportunity. In this online course you will discover how the arts can create common ground between people, and in doing so, learn what we can all do to improve the quality of life and care for people living with different dementias.

Estimated learning time is approximately 2 hours per week across 4 weeks, at your own pace. Each of the 4 weeks will showcase current best practice, explain the limits of our current understanding, and set ambitious goals for enhancing the lives of anyone affected by one of these conditions.

August 2018 : Collaborations & Conversations  (Group Exhibition at Snape Maltings, Suffolk)

Coordinated by Created Out of Mind’s visual arts director Charlie Murphy : includes artworks and installations by: Charles Robert Harrison, Janet Horton, Roberta McKee-Jackson, Charlie Murphy, Lionel Shriver, Studio Senses (Central St Martins ceramics students), Jane Twigg, members of Rare Dementia Support Groups and Wellcome’s public audiences.

The exhibition accompanies premieres of new choral works which have been inspired by the words and experiences of people living with dementias.  Created by young composers from the BBC Proms Inspire scheme and their mentor Kerry Andrew, these works will be performed by National Youth Choir of Great Britain  https://snapemaltings.co.uk/whats-on/exhibition-created-mind/

Murphy & Wray’s Neuronal Disco at Royal Festival Hall, Southbank for B(old) Festival,2018

11thMay, 2018: Artist presentation for Normal Festival of the Brain, Folkestone and installation of ‘skin to mind’ video work in progress  : Charlie Murphy joins Pint of Science for an informal presentation and discussion on the work she’s developing in response to the ‘Brains in a Dish’ research project..and presents an installation of her ‘skin to mind’ video work in progress

18thMay 2018 : Major public engagement event The Neuronal Disco..5-7pm pm : Clore Ballroom, Royal Festival Hall- presented as part of B(old) Festival, Southbank. https://youtu.be/eeRjciW-u_4

 1st Feb -2ndJune 2018 : Major exhibition :‘Trajectories” exhibitionat Dundee’s Life Space Gallery. http://lifespace.dundee.ac.uk/exhibition/trajectoriesMurphy’s ‘studies for neurons’ , large scale ‘balance’ luminogram series, ‘skin to mind’ (chapter 1) video installation of work in progress alongside video work ‘infinite descent’ presented as part of a group exhibition

2ndFeb 2018L  Art Science Talk :Sharing of current research– public engagement event with artists Charlie Murphy and Charles Robert Harrison in discussion with scientists Dr. Esther Sammler (MRC PPU and Ninewells Hospital) and Prof. Brian Day (UCL) https://www.artrabbit.com/events/current-research-seminar

15 March 2018 – 18 March 2018:Group exhibitionARUK’s ‘Reframing dementia’, exhibition, OXO Tower Gallery https://www.oxotower.co.uk/events/reframe-dementia/


March 2018:  Exhibition ‘skin to mind’ video installation , (work in progress) presentation for West Yorkshire Playhouse’s for “Every Third Minute – Festival of Theatre, Dementia and Hope”


Jan 2017- Nov 2018:  Social engagement project with BA Ceramic Design , CSM

CM Acted as ‘Client’ and advisor for Level 5 social engagement ‘Client Project’ which invited students to produce work which visualizes differerent impacts of dementias and consider ‘what can clay do’ in the context of public perceptions of dementia. Work produced selected and exhibitied at CSM exhibitions and at Wedgewood, Stoke on Trent as part at British Ceramics Biennale. Link to the film made about exhibiting the ‘Ceramic Diaries work : https://vimeo.com/254759021. Subsequent commission of Rachel Wilcock to create a new piece for inclusion in Metaphors for the Mind and Testing Situations projects.Part of Charlie Murphy’s ‘Metaphors for the Mind’ project.

Feb – April 2017 : –  :Visualising dementia” proejct devised for   Level 6 GD&P (BA Hons graphic design & photography) students at Kingston School of Art . Work produced for BA project work featured in prestigious degrees shows and portfolios. (images available on request) Part of Charlie Murphy’s ‘Metaphors for the Mind’ project.

October  2017:  video presentation work in progress presentations presented for  ‘Dimensions of Dementia’Creative Reactions / Pint of Science live event at Studio Spaces London Event included presentation by scientific collaborator Professor Selina Wray. video : Dimensions of Dementia : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CCHxJL-5Pk

November 2017:  ‘Reimagining dementia Campaigns’ Wellcome Collection workshops

Experimental printing and wax modelling workshops delivered for  Wellcome’s public participation programme for their exhibition ‘Can Graphic Design Save your Life’exhibition


“How can language and typography inform public understanding of dementias?And how can personal experiences help us collectively reimagine the way we talk about these conditions?Join Created Out of Mind artist Charlie Murphy, researchers and Pixel Pressto consider how dementia campaigns might be reimagined through graphic communication, using both traditional and unconventional approaches to typography and print.

 November 2017: Arts & Dementia Conference at Royal Society for Public Health 

Disco morphologies: Dancing connections between art and science”. Molecular neuroscientist Professor Selina Wray1 and artist Charlie Murphy discuss how the arts can open up and engage a broad audience in molecular neuroscience and how they’re approaching the challenges of understanding and communicating
 the amazing capabilities of cell technology through a series of choreographed movements to well-known pop songs. Pop up installation of Charlie Murphy’s ‘skin to mind’ (chapter 1) video installation also presented. https://www.rsph.org.uk/event/powerful-partners–advancing-dementia-care-through-the-arts-and-sciences.html

November 2017 : “Preparatory planning framework for Created Out of Mind: Shaping perceptions of dementia through art and science “ Article · November 2017 
DOI: 10.12688/wellcomeopenres.12773.1

 May 2017: Normal Festival of the Brain 2017: Charlie Murphy and Professor Selina Wray’s ‘Neuronal Discos’ for adults and children presented at Glassworks, Folkestone . Part of their Brains in a Dish project events  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39MbIifZNeQ&feature=youtu.be

May, 2017: Experimental printing workshop Words and Letters’ developed  in collaboratoin with  Rare Dementia Support group members as part of Dementia Awareness Week 2017

Created Out of Mind visual artist Charlie Murphy and Pixel Press teamed up to lead an experimental printing workshop. Hub collaborators, people living with dementia, carers and family members came together to play with letters and words using different printing processes, type and materials.

They worked together to create postcards, posters and notes which expressed something that was important to them. From quotes, jokes and meaningful words to poignant observations, everyone got involved and produced some wonderful pieces- represented in type using letterpress, paper, leaves, wax and light. http://www.createdoutofmind.org/dementia-awareness-week-2017/

June 2017: Creative Workshops  (Reading room event), Wellcome Collection, London

This is a participatory event that explores how the arts+the sciences can impact research and dementia care.The audience will be invited to ‘test out’ 4 art experiences that are being developed by collaborators at the Wellcome Collection’s Hub residency in dementia. People with and without dementia are welcome to attend . Charlie Murphy invites you to examine the language and metaphors that we associate with dementia through playful graphic explorations with typography.Full event http://www.creativityandwellbeing.org.uk/week/events/created-out-mind-shaping-public-perception-dementia-through-arts-and-sciences

July  2017 : ‘In search of the right words’ panel presentation and  discussion, Wellcome Collection


We invite you to interrogate the language and metaphors that we associate with dementia. Consider how personal experiences might transform artistic, scientific and public understanding through an evening of discussion, film, poetry and visual art. Dementia is often referred to in catastrophic terms such as ‘a plague’, ‘a tsunami’ or ‘an epidemic’. On the other hand, we have ‘dementia friends’, ‘dementia-friendly communities’ and ‘dementia champions’. With 850,000 people currently living with dementia in the UK, do we need more nuanced ways of talking and thinking about an issue that affects us all?

Speakers : Join people living with a dementia – Tracey Shorthouse, Rukiya Mukadam and Wayne Eaton – together with Created Out of Mind collaborators:Susanna Howard, writer, researcher and actorCharlie Murphy, artist, maker and researcher Hannah Zeilig, arts and social gerontology researcher Susanna Howard will reflect on a decade of working in the field of language and dementia through poetry, recordings and her new short film ‘Shutnell’.

Charlie Murphy will discuss some of the work she is developing with glass, typography and photography in response to scientific and personal insights.Hannah Zeilig will question what we mean when we talk about dementia culturally, politically and individually.

Created Out of Mind activities Articles and Posts include


“How lived experiences of dementias have informed science and the arts”:


